Describiendo gente Describing people |
Familia / Parentesco The Family and Parenthood |
Caracteres / Sentimientos Feelings and Character |
Cortesia / Social Functions Social Expressions |
El Cuerpo The Body |
La Salud Health |
Datos Personales Personal Information |
Medios de Comunicacion Communication |
Tiendas Shops |
Ropa Clothes |
La Ciudad The City |
La Casa-La Cocina The House-The Kitchen |
La Casa-El Dormitorio The House-The Bedroom |
La Casa-El Salon The House-The Living Room |
La Casa-El Cuarto de Bano The House-The Bathroom |
La Casa-El Jardin The House-The Garden |
Medios de Transporte-Tierra Transport by Land |
Medios de Transporte-Aire Transport By Air |
Medios de Transporte-Mar Transport by Sea |
Viajes Travel |
Peluqueria-Salon de Belleza The Hairdresser-Beauty Salon |
Deportes Sport |
Excursiones-Aire Libre Outdoor Activities |
Cultura Culture |
Diversiones Pastimes |
Espectaculos Entertainment |
Entretenimiento Theme Parks |
Ensenanza Education |
Trabajo Work |
Profesiones Professions |
Alimentos (Generalidades) Food-General |
Alimentos-Cereales Food-Cereals |
Alim. Lacteos/Derivados Food-Milk Products |
Alim. Pescados y Mariscos Food-Fish and Seafood |
Alimentos Carne Food-Meat |
Alimentos Aceites Food-Oils |
Legumbres/Frutos secos Pulses-Dried Fruit |
Alim Vegetales y Hortalizas Food-Vegetables |
Alimentos Frutas Food-Fruits |
Alim. Condiment y Especias Food-Herbs and Spices |
Bebidas Drinks |
Alimentos Elaborados Food-Manufactured Produce |
Alim. Dulces-Postres Food-Deserts. Sweets |
Tiempo Cronologico Time |
Tiempo Meteorologico The Weather |
El Universo The Universe |
Describiendo Objetos Desribing Objects |
Geografia Geography |
Mundo Animal The Animal World |
La Oficina The Office |
La Farmacia The Chemist's / Pharmacy / Drug Store |
Herramientas Tools |
Trabajo Domestico Housework |
El Hospital The hospital |
Viviendas Housing |
La Construccion Building |
El Restaurante The Restaurant |
Relaciones Relationships |
Aparatos Electricos Electrical appliances |
Economia y Comercio Economy and Commerce |