Bienvenidos a la pagina de los verbos, los verbos progresivos y de los participios.

Pagina de los verbos y un poco acerca de los adverbios (abajo).

Aqui puedes aprender mucho acerca de los verbos progresivos y los participios.


Abajo tienen el presente del indicativo de los verbos regulares que terminan en ar, er, e ir.

Present indicative (presente del indicativo):

verbos en "ar"

hablar=to talk

yo habl                       o,
tu habl                       as,
usted/el/ella habl         a,
nosotros/as habl          amos,
vosotros/as habl          ais,
ustedes/ellos/ellas habl an

Present indicative (presente del indicativo):

verbos en "er"

beber=to drink

yo beb                     o,
tu beb                     es,
usted/el/ella beb       e,
nosotros/as beb        emos,
vosotros/as beb        eis,
ustedes/ellos/ellas beb  en

Present indicative (presente del indicativo):

verbos en "ir"

vivir-to live

yo viv                o,
tu viv                es,
usted/el/ella viv   e,
nosotros/as viv    imos,
vosotros/as viv    is,
ustedes/ellos/ellas viv en

I -- Los verbos progresivos

Basic Spanish Grammar (BSG)


See BSG text P. 85 for the  present progressive--Leccion 5.


See BSG text P. 192 for the past progressive--Leccion 12.


The Progressive Tenses

As part of a compound verb structure, it is the equivalent of the English "".  The "to be" verb used with this is ALWAYS estar. Estar + gerundio = to be +  "ing".  This is called the progressive tense- it can be past, present, future, whatever.  It signifies that at that time something is (was, will be, etc.)  happening.  It's what is going on at the moment.

  • Los chicos estan jugando. The boys are playing
  • Ellos estaban comiendo. They were eating.
  • Manana estaremos viajando por la ciudad. Tomorrow we will be traveling around the city.
  • Estuve leyendo hasta que ellos llegaron. I was reading until they arrived.

Nota importante: It cannot be used to express anything other  than what is happening at the stated time.  For example:  In English we might say, "I am leaving tomorrow."  In Spanish this would be expressed by the simple present (Manana me voy/salgo.), or the "ir a " construction- (Manana voy a salir.).  You may not use the present progressive for this.

II -- Los participios

Basic Spanish Grammar (BSG)


See BSG text P. 210 for the past participle (participio del pasado) -- Leccion 14.



El participio del pasado- ADO/IDO

The past participle is used in two ways in espanol.  It can be used as an adjective,  just like English. (The cookies were eaten [by Santa]. Las galletas fueron comidas [por el Papa Noel]. )  If it is used as an adjective, remember it must agree with what it is describing.  Also like English it can be used in "perfect tenses" (to say what has, had,  would have, will have, etc. happened).  (I have already eaten.  Ya he comido.) In these instances, there is only one form of the verb- it is not an adjective and does not change form.

The formation of the past participle

Regular verbs:  For most verbs you drop the infinitive ending and add the appropriate ending.  There are no stem changes, work from the infinitive.

  • Verbos en AR:  ADO  hablar> HABLADO; contar> CONTADO;
  • Verbos en ER/IR:  IDO comer>COMIDO, perder> PERDIDO, servir>SERVIDO

Verbs that need accents, so as not to create dipthongs:

  • EER, AER, OIR: ido- leido, caido, oido, traido, etc.

Note:  There are accents on the letter "i" for each of the words above. 


                El participio del pasado - ADO/IDO                                                              

Irregular verbs.  This list you must memorize. 
  See BSG text p. 211 for irregular past participle -- Leccion 14.

  • Abrir> abierto -- to open
  • Cubrir> cubierto -- to cover
  • Decir> dicho -- to say
  • Escribir> escrito -- to write
  • Hacer> hecho -- to do
  • Morir> muerto -- to die
  • Poner> puesto -- to put, place
  • Romper> roto -- to break
  • Ver> visto -- to see
  • Volver> vuelto -- to return

As always, compound verbs will be formed as is the root verb:

  • Maldecir> maldicho -- to curse 
  • Descubrir> descubierto -- to  discover
  • Describir> descrito -- to describe
  • Satisfacer> satisfecho -- to satisfy
  • Envolver> envuelto -- to wrap
  • Componer> compuesto -- to compose

This is all you need to know about the formation of the past participle.

What is it used for?
The Past Participle has two major uses.

It is used in compound tenses called "perfect" tenses.  These are formed by using the verb "HABER" followed by the past participle. In these tenses, the past participle is never changed.  The use here is identical to English.


  • Ya he comido.  I have already eaten.
  • Ellos ya habian (accented i) salido.  They had already left.
  • Espero que hayan comido.  I hope they have eaten.

El participio
del pasado - ADO/IDO

The past participle is also used frequently as an adjective.  El chico esta aburridoThe boy is bored.  La puerta esta abiertaThe door is open.  In these instances, because it serves as an adjective, it must agree with the noun it describes.  The past participle, as an adjective, is employed in many passive voice sentences also.  El Nuevo Mundo fue descubierto por Colon en 1492. The New World was discovered by Columbus  in 1492.   Las sillas fueron compradas en Sevilla. The chairs were bought in Seville.



Los Tiempos Perfectos

See BSG text P. 212-215  for the tiempos perfectos -- Leccion 14.

 Los tiempos perfectos- the Perfect Tenses. The perfect  tenses are used to indicate an action that has been perfectly realized according to the components of the sentence  whereas imperfect tenses are used to indicate an action that has not been perfectly realized according to the components of the sentence.  (Texto p. 158-159:  Como dominar la gramatica por Jose Escarpanter, Colombia, 1997)


So.  What are the Tiempos Perfectos?  They are the equivalent to the English verb "to have" plus the past participle.  For example- I have eaten (He comido); I would have left (Yo habr­a salido); They will have spoken (Habran hablado); etc.

In these tenses in Spanish, the verb "to have" is "HABER". 


N.B.:  English Background Information about the Use of Participles 



a.  The uses of participles.  A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective and is used with an auxiliary verb to form tenses and, in the case of the past participle, the passive voice. The present participle (gerund--word used as noun) ends in -ing (going, running). The past participle for many verbs ends in -ed (created, walked); other past participles have a different form, and often a different vowel, from their base form (made from make, ridden from ride, swum from swim). The present participle is used with be to indicate continuing action or state (I am going. They were laughing. We have been talking).


The past participle is used with have to form past tenses (We have climbed. She had ridden. They have sung) and with be to form the passive voice (The floor is being scrubbed. The ball was kicked. The car has been driven.).


b.  Participles as adjectives.  Many participles can also function as adjectives: an interesting experience, an interested customer; the surprising results, the surprised researchers. But it is often hard to tell when a participle is an adjective, especially with past participles. Linguists have a number of tests for confirming an adjective. Here are four of them:

1.        Can the word be used attributively (i.e., before the noun it modifies), as in an intriguing offer.

2.        Can it be used in the predicate, especially after the verb seem, as in She thought the party boring and He seems concerned about you.

3.        Can it be compared, as in We are even more encouraged now and The results are most encouraging.

4.        Can it be modified by very, as in They are very worried about this.


  Some adjectives pass more of these tests than others and are thus more purely adjectival. Disastrous, for instance, passes tests 1, 2, and 3, but not 4. When used as adjectives, most participles pass all four tests, but modification by very is tricky. For more on this, see very and past participles.


  You can tell that a past participle is really part of a passive verb and not an adjective when it is followed by a by prepositional phrase that has a personal agent as its object. Thus, the participle married would be part of the verb in the sentence Chuck and Wendy were married by a bishop but used as an adjective in the sentence Chuck and Wendy were happily married for about six months. To confirm the adjectival status of a participle, try transforming the sentence to see if the participle can come before the noun: For about six months Chuck and Wendy were a happily married couple.



Formacion de los adverbios

Adverbs are words that describe, or modify, verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

He ran quickly.
("quickly" describes how he "ran")

She spoke more slowly than he.
("slowly" describes how she "spoke")
("more" modifies "slowly")

Most Spanish adverbs are formed by adding -mente to the feminine singular form of the adjective. This ending corresponds to -ly in English.


Fem. Form











Note: When an adjective has a written accent, the adverb retains it.

Another way to form an adverb is to use the preposition con + the singular form of the noun.

cuidadoso (carefully)
cuidadosamente or con cuidado

perfecto (perfectly)
perfectamente or con perfeccion

carinoso (affectionately)
carinosamente or con carino

Some adverbs do not follow any pattern of origination, and must simply be memorized. Here is a list of some common ones:




a lot







Nota 1: Perdone el ingles. Creo que es mas facil entender esta pagina compleja con el uso del ingles.

Nota 2:  Disculpe que el sitio no me permite usar ciertos simbolos espanoles.


Escriba a la Profesora Juana abajo.